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What stops a House From Selling?

Selling a house can be a complex and challenging process, and there are many factors that can contribute to a house not selling. Some of the most common reasons include overpricing, poor curb appeal, outdated features, and unfavorable market conditions. However, with the right approach and some strategic changes, these obstacles can be overcome and your house can sell successfully. Understanding what stops a house from selling is crucial in ensuring a successful and smooth selling process. Whether it’s making necessary repairs and renovations, adjusting the asking price, or simply changing your marketing strategy, there are steps you can take to increase the chances of your house selling quickly and at a fair price. With a little effort and the right mindset, you can overcome the challenges of selling a house and achieving your goals. Let’s find out the common reasons what stops a house from selling

What stops a House From Selling?: Common Reasons 


If a house is priced too high, it can cause the home to sit on the market for an extended period of time. Potential buyers may view the home as overpriced and not worth the investment, causing them to pass it by for other homes in the same price range. To avoid this issue, home sellers should work with their real estate agent to determine a fair and competitive price for their home.

Having poor curb appeal

A home’s curb appeal is the first impression that potential buyers will have, and a home with poor curb appeal may not generate much interest. Simple changes, such as a fresh coat of paint, neatly trimmed lawns, and tidy walkways, can go a long way in improving a home’s curb appeal.

Outdated features

Outdated features, such as old kitchens and bathrooms, can deter potential buyers and make the home less desirable. Updating these features, even if they are not major renovations, can make a big difference in attracting potential buyers.

Poor condition

Homes that are in poor condition, such as those with leaky roofs, outdated electrical systems, or a lack of insulation, can be a turn-off to potential buyers. These issues can also be viewed as potential red flags by potential buyers, who may worry about additional expenses to repair the home.

Unfavorable market conditions

 Factors such as a sluggish real estate market, high unemployment, and declining home values can make it more challenging to sell a home. Home sellers may need to adjust their expectations and be more flexible with their asking price in order to sell their home in a challenging market.

Lack of preparation

Homes that are cluttered, dirty, or unorganized can make it difficult for potential buyers to envision themselves living in the home. To increase the chances of selling their home, sellers should declutter, deep clean, and stage their home to make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Inadequate marketing

Homes that are not marketed effectively may not receive the exposure they need to attract potential buyers. A good marketing plan should include online listings, open houses, and targeted advertising to reach the right audience.

Poor real estate agent

A poorly trained or inexperienced real estate agent can make it more difficult to sell a home. Home sellers should look for a real estate agent who has experience and a proven track record of successfully selling homes.


Location is a critical factor in determining the success of a home sale. Homes that are located in areas with high crime rates, poor schools, or other undesirable factors may be more difficult to sell.


Timing is also a critical factor in selling a home. Homes that are put on the market during a slow real estate season, such as winter, may take longer to sell. To maximize the chances of a successful sale, home sellers should consider the current market conditions and time their home sale appropriately.

What stops a House From Selling: Unusual reasons

Negative energy or spiritual presence

Some potential buyers might feel a negative energy or presence in the house, which can be a turn off for them. This can be due to past events or paranormal activity.

Poor staging

Staging is crucial in creating a welcoming and attractive environment for potential buyers. Poor staging can leave a lasting impression that negatively affects their perception of the house.

Unpleasant odors

Unpleasant odors, such as pet odor, smoke, or mold, can be difficult to ignore and make the house less desirable. These odors can also cause health problems for potential buyers.

Bad and noisy neighborhood

A house located in a bad neighborhood can be a major turn off for potential buyers. High crime rates, noise pollution, or a lack of amenities can impact the perception of the area.

Unattractive Exterior

The exterior of a house can be just as important as the interior. A poorly maintained yard, outdated exterior features, or poor curb appeal can discourage potential buyers from even entering the house.

Dirt And Too Many Pets 

Dirt and too many pets can create problems while selling a house. Dirtiness, including cluttered rooms, messy floors, and stained carpets, can make a house seem unappealing and unclean. Additionally, an excessive amount of pets can be a major issue for potential buyers who are either allergic or simply don’t like them. The smell of pets and their hair on furniture and carpets can be a major turn-off, making it difficult to sell the house. 

To avoid these issues, it’s important to keep the house clean and well-maintained and to minimize the number of pets in the house before showings. This can help increase the chances of a successful sale and make the process smoother for everyone involved.

When your house doesn’t sell, what should you do?

If your house has been on the market for a while and isn’t selling, there are several steps you can take to help increase its chances of selling. Here are some unique steps to consider:

Re-evaluate the listing price

One of the most common reasons a house isn’t selling is because it’s overpriced. Consider talking to your real estate agent and reviewing recent comparable sales in your area to see if your price is competitive. You may need to adjust it to make it more attractive to potential buyers.

Stage the house differently

Poor staging can turn potential buyers away, but with a fresh perspective, you can make a big impact. Consider rearranging furniture, decluttering, and adding some new décor to help make the house feel more inviting.

Address any unpleasant odors

Unpleasant odors such as pet odors or smoke can be a major turn off for potential buyers. Clean the house thoroughly, invest in odor-eliminating products, and consider hiring a professional cleaning service if necessary.

Create a virtual tour

In today’s digital age, a virtual tour can help potential buyers get a feel for the house from the comfort of their own home. This can be especially helpful if they are unable to visit the house in person.

Offer incentives

Consider offering incentives to potential buyers to help sweeten the deal. For example, you could offer to pay closing costs, include appliances or furniture, or provide a home warranty.

Work with a new real estate agent

If your house isn’t selling, it may be time to consider working with a different real estate agent. They may have new ideas and strategies to help sell the house.

Improve the exterior

The exterior of the house is the first thing potential buyers see, so it’s important to make a good impression. Consider doing some landscaping, painting the front door, or adding new light fixtures.

Get creative with marketing

Sometimes, a creative approach can make all the difference. Consider hosting an open house, partnering with local businesses to promote the house, or using social media to spread the word.

By taking these steps, you can increase the chances of selling your house and make the process easier for everyone involved. Remember to stay patient and flexible, and to keep an open mind about making changes to your listing. With the right approach, you can find a buyer who loves your house just as much as you do.


Understanding what stops a house from selling is an important first step in ensuring a successful and smooth selling process. By addressing these issues, home sellers can increase the chances of their homes selling quickly and at a fair price. With the right approach and the right mindset, it is possible to overcome the challenges of selling a home and achieve your goals. You can also take a consultant from an experienced real estate professionals to take proper guideline.

Do you want to sell your house in Calgary, Edmonton Surrounding Areas? Find out what we can do for you! Send us a message or give us a call today! 403-879-7935

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